History of Internet From Web 1.0 to Augmented Reality and Creating NFT

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Elizabeth Denny
Elizabeth is a senior editor, covering all things social media for enterpriseig. She writes about tech, film, streaming, games and sometimes other things.

The History of Internet: From Web 1.0 to Augmented Reality and Creating NFT

Since the Internet was invented it has evolved a lot. This world, which was initially a one-sided resource, today allows us to create new other worlds. The concept of Metaverse and augmented reality systems seems to have much more place in our lives in the future like games or creating NFT.

When the Internet first became widespread, it was not providing many opportunities for users to produce content or feedback. This system, which has grown and evolved over the years, has turned into a network that surrounds the whole world and has taken a great place in our lives with the name of the World Wide Web (WWW).

First Generation Internet: Web 1.0

In this era of the Internet, which started in the 90s and lasted until the 2000s, the Internet was used just like a library. We are speaking about a system where users cannot produce content or publish it, but only as a source for information.

The first website, published on December 20 1990, is still available today.


the first website image for Creating NFT article-min

The Internet was a system where there is no possibility to create and buy NFT or to be in a virtual reality like nowadays. Currently it has made communication very fast. In the Web 1.0 era, communication was one-sided and very limited.

Each period is an accelerator for the following periods. The Web 1.0 is a foundation for today’s and future internet understanding. Therefore, this inefficient, primitive and one-sided communication era is an accelerator for Web 2.0.

Social Web: 2.0

This period, in which the Internet now provides a two-way connection, is also called the “social web”. On this new Internet, users can produce and share content. Social media platforms first emerged in this period and this period lasted until the 2010s.

Web 2.0, the first period of social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, are the touchstones of today’s social media diversity. Information is much more advanced than the Web 1.0 era in terms of now more accessible. It is a great advantage for every user to produce on the Internet but unfortunately the problem of information pollution started with this period.

Smart Period: Web 3.0

This is the period when we started to see artificial intelligence. This is the period when the transferred information is used and made autonomous. The large amount of information on the Internet should now be more easily accessible and this information should provide us convenience. In this period, the Internet has started to direct our lives rather than only being in our lives. With new technologies, the Internet continues to develop for the formation of a new world, namely the Metaverse.

With Web 3.0, the behavior of users on the Internet has also started to be monitored and analyzed. The biggest development with these innovations has been in the marketing sector. People started to reach for the information that they needed, not the unnecessary ones. Artificial intelligence algorithms have been included in our lives. The period that we call “They’re watching us!” has become the center of our lives.

Web 4.0: Metaverse and Augmented Reality

Now is the period when we can create a completely virtual life: Web 4.0

In this period, we started to learn what augmented reality is and the benefits of it. Physical data transfer is over and the “cloud” system began to develop with this technology. Artificial intelligence and augmented reality (AR) systems create a much more advanced connection between machines and humans.

What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

Shortly, augmented reality is a more wealthy version of our reality. It is a computer and software supported reality. It is a world reinforced by sound, video and graphics. There is a difference between virtual and augmented reality. In virtual reality, there is a separate reality from the real world, but in augmented reality, the virtual and real world are composed together.

NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a unique token unlike other cryptocurrencies. These assets, which have been very popular lately, have created a new market. It has become an industry where digital production has increased a lot. These digital assets are not just as a token, it can be digital creation of a user or an image, video or even a tweet. Many users have started to create NFTs. It has become popular to sell a photo by converting it to an NFT or to create a new one.

Creating NFT

With these products produced and exchanged in the virtual world, the definition of metaverse is developing. New markets are emerging with new software developed in this universe as an alternative to real life. You can create a collection with NFTs in one of these markets. There is a lot of investment in these enterprises. Grand businessmen and celebrity names announce their purchases and investments in this sector. For example, Madonna bought an NFT for $571,000 recently.

The works have become digitally produced and sold. These works, which are a unique product even on the Internet, are of interest by the users. There are many websites to produce these works. Creating NFT is an easy way thanks to these possibilities.

What are the Methods of Creating NFT?

The most popular platforms for NTF creating or trading are:





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Creating NFT with Opensea

With the developing Internet and metaverse, the NFT industry has become a big market. The most famous one os Opensea. You can sell or buy NFT ın this platform. Opensea is the largest in the NFT Marketplace. This platform was developed on the Etherium (ETH) blockchain system. You can create and sell your own NFTs on Opensea. One of the biggest advantages of Opensea is to create NFT and it has a huge market.

You should take a look at the works of CryptoPunks, one of Opensea’s most valuable artists.

Creating NFT with SuperRare

SuperRare is also developed with the Ethereum blockchain. This platform appeals to a more respected audience that produces more digital art. You can find many digital works, videos or GIFs in SuperRare, which has a very large user base, although not as much as Opensea.

One of the advantages of SuperRare is that you can buy and sell the works on Opensea also.

Creating NFT with Rarible

Rarible is developed with Ethereum, Flow and Tezos blockchain systems. Shopping with three blockchains makes it easier for users. Unlike other marketplaces, it is easier to operate here. Rarible has made partnerships with some grand companies and that has its advantages. For example, this platform provides convenience to users by using Adobe’s cloud system.

These systems, which we adapt with the development of the Internet and new technologies, create new markets. With augmented reality technology so advanced, it is not difficult to take part in these markets not only as a customer but also as a producer. These resources and more that we have shared will be helpful to you in creating NFT.  There are many resources and possibilities. If you want to take your place in this new universe and enter the NFT market, you should explore these tips.

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